October 2024

PPP-INFO LLC (hereinafter referred to as PPP-INFO or We) strives to maintain the confidentiality of your personal data, provide you with a positive experience when visiting our websites and the opportunity to receive useful and up-to-date information about events operated by PPP-INFO. This document describes the personal data processing practices that PPP-INFO adheres to in relation to all users of its sites.

By accessing any of our sites, you thereby fully and unconditionally agree to these rules and give PPP-INFO consent to perform all actions with personal data provided by you while using our sites, including their collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction, on the terms specified in this policy. You also hereby consent to PPP-INFO to process your personal data by listing and entering it into PPP-INFO electronic databases under the conditions specified in this policy.

The above consent to the processing of personal data is valid from the moment you provide personal data on our website during the entire period of your use of the PPP-INFO websites.

The collection, processing, storage and transfer of personal data is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ and in compliance with the necessary requirements for their protection, described in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 N 1119 " On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in information systems of personal data".

According to the adopted PPP-INFO policy regarding the processing of personal data and the approved list of processed personal data, we do not collect, process or store biometric and special personal data. In the case of voluntary provision of special or biometric personal data by visitors to the sites, PPP-INFO will not take this information into account in the process of processing it.

  1. Collection of your personal data
    1. When collecting any personal data on any of our sites, PPP-INFO makes sure to tell us why the information is needed.
    2. Personal data is any data used to identify an individual. This may include, but is not limited to, your name, email address, postal or other physical address, occupation, and other information necessary to provide services or perform other operations at your request, as well as to fulfill obligations under an agreement with you. agreement.
    3. By providing us with your personal data, you will be able to:
      1. Receive useful and up-to-date information about the events of the ROSINFRA Infrastructure Congress;
      2. Take advantage of special offers, participate in competitions and other special programs;
      3. Get information about the personal data operator
  2. Use of your personal data:
    1. PPP-INFO collects and stores only the personal information that is necessary to achieve the goals specified in clause 2.3 of this Policy, except in cases where the law provides for the mandatory storage of personal information for a period specified by law.
    2. We do not use your personal data for other purposes without your consent.
    3. We may use your personal data for the following purposes:
      1. To contact you in order to provide a service or information, including the possibility of sending promotional information;
      2. To respond to your inquiries when contacting the contacts listed on the site;
      3. To conduct contests, sweepstakes and other promotions on PPP-INFO websites;
      4. To conduct surveys and public opinion surveys in order to improve the quality of services. Participation in any of the surveys is entirely voluntary;
      5. To provide you with information and services in accordance with your requests and preferences;
      6. To fulfill obligations under contracts.
  3. Using and updating personal information
    1. We need your help to ensure that the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date.
    2. We would appreciate your updating your personal information as it changes. Users of the PPP-INFO websites can update personal data by sending an email with the relevant information to the address indicated as a contact on each website.
  4. Unsubscribe
    1. The mailing list subscription is managed using the PPP-INFO mailing list system. Each email you send contains instructions on how to unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter.
    2. You can unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter by sending an email with your name, email address and the name of the newsletter you wish to unsubscribe to the address provided as a contact on each site.
  5. Sharing your personal data with third parties
    1. We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes without your permission.
    2. We may share your personal data with companies affiliated with PPP-INFO or in the same group of entities with PPP-INFO for processing and storage.
    3. We may also share your personal data with authorized agencies or contractors in order to perform a requested service or to perform our contractual obligations with you. We provide third parties with the minimum amount of personal data necessary only to provide the required service or fulfill obligations.
    4. If necessary, we may use your personal data and other information to respond to government requests, subpoenas, court orders or court orders. We may also exercise our legal rights to defend against claims.
    5. We may collect and possibly share information in our possession with third parties in order to investigate, prevent and suppress any illegal activities, as well as violations of the terms of use of the PPP-INFO websites and other situations provided for by law.
    6. Only where information is collected on behalf of PPP-INFO will the use of your data be governed by PPP-INFO's privacy policy.
    7. When providing information on other sites, the policies regarding the protection of the confidentiality of personal data conducted by their owners will be used. We are not responsible for the content of such sites and for the personal data policy followed by their owners. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of third party websites for yourself.
  6. Use of personal data for other purposes
    1. In order to use your personal data for any other purpose, we ask for your confirmation.
  7. Individualization
    1. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of our services, we may customize the appearance of our newsletters and websites according to the individual preferences of users, based on information they have previously provided or information received on the PPP-INFO websites.
  8. Security of your personal information
    1. PPP-INFO uses security technologies, procedures and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
    2. We strive to protect your personal information, but we cannot guarantee the security of the information you transmit.
    3. We recommend that you take all measures to protect your personal data while browsing the Internet. Change passwords frequently, use a combination of letters and numbers when creating passwords, and use a secure browser.
  9. Data Storage
    1. PPP-INFO stores your personal data from the moment you provide it and for the duration of your use of the PPP-INFO websites, but no more than is necessary for the purposes of its collection, or as required by applicable laws or regulations.
  10. Agree to this Policy
    1. A visitor to the Internet sites of PPP-INFO, providing his personal data, thereby agrees to the provisions of this policy.
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